Experience native French tutor. I can speak also fluently Cantonese and intermediate level in Mandarin. It could be an advantage to communicate with beginners.

IB English Literature tutor. 9+ years experience, Kowloon Tong / Mong Kok East

I am a responsible, knowledgeable and qualified English teacher whose English competence is of an educated native-speaker, with clear and articulated speech. I possess a CELTA (Cambridge ESOL) and a M

普通話一級乙等,教授中文作爲第二語言課程、普通話。I teach people who learn Chinese as a foreign language and mandarin lessons for people who want to improve mandarin.
j教學進修 / 語言課程jacquelinewan

SAXOPHONE TUTOR (多年演出經驗, 大型琴行教學經驗) TIGER FAN CONTACT: 62851501( PHONE AND WHATSAPP) EMAIL: [email protected] BACKGROUND (SAXOPHONE) The Associated Board of th
T音樂 / 教學進修TIGERFAN

產品目錄: 辦公軟件, NextOffice 2010 專業版, NextOffice 2010 USB 版, Mastering NextOffice, NextPDF + FormFiller等.
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫威寶拓展國際

我們一向以信心、用心、安心三 大目標為客戶提供流動上門驗車服務,本公司的專業承諾,希望令客戶對我們有"信心",加 上驗車人員的"用心"檢驗,一切都務求為客戶"安心"地購入二手車。
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠國際專業驗車中心

SCAD is uniquely qualified to prepare talented students for professional, creative careers
T設計 / 教學進修The University for Creative Careers

服務範圍 聽覺障礙 - 不同程度的聽力受損而引致的發音、聲線及語言問題 構音障礙 - 發音不正確,例如把'沙'說成'渣','餅乾'說成'餅江'。 語言發展遲緩 - 兒童的理解及表達能力較同齡兒童慢,常見的徵狀如答非所問,句子結構紊亂,未能清晰地陳述事件或講述故事,對學習亦會構成影響。 聲線障礙 - 錯誤用聲或其他因素而引致的聲音沙啞、粗糙和變音等問題。 讀寫障礙 - 閱讀、理解及書寫文字的困難。
S教學進修 / 特殊教育Smile Speech Therapy Centre

An International Perspective to Greater China Legal Issues An involvement in client's industry approach is key to provide the most practical and cost-efficient service to the client. We have extensiv
V商業 / 法律事務Vcc Law Services
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